Channeling Your Inner Superhero
By Rhea Mursalin Step into a world of superheroes, villains, challenges, and perseverance in the short film Andy & Kaliope, directed by Catriona Rubenis-Stevens. Andy & Kaliope is an inspiring and emotional short film that follows a young, disabled boy’s quest to find a place where he can feel at home. As he struggles with the reality of being between foster home placements, young Andy seeks comfort in his love of superheroes...
The Mesmerizing Sounds of Der Heyser Bulgar
By Rhea Mursalin Der Heyser Bulgar, performed by the Bard Conservatory Orchestra, highlights a transformative night filled with the enchanting sounds of clarinet player David Krakauer and the accompanying talents of the Bard Conservatory Orchestra. Krakauer, widely considered to be one of the finest Clarinet players in the world, does an excellent job of holding the attention of the audience as he delivers a remarkable rendition...
Café Armonía: Fostering Community Through Coffee and Values
By: Ailin Velazquez Directed by Aria Zapata, Café Armonía offers a glimpse into its community-driven ethos. Established in September 2014 in Xela, Guatemala, it’s a coffee haven initiated by local associations—Manos Campesinas and ASOBAGRI—marking their debut in directly selling freshly brewed Organic, Fair Trade coffee. This authentic film illuminates Café Armonía’s impact on the community, families, and the...
Preserving Biodiversity: How Can We Make a Difference?
By: Ailin Velazquez Preserving Biodiversity: How Can We Make a Difference, produced by Adelina Hill, is a thought-provoking short film that delves into the heart of environmental struggles and the power of change. This powerful piece not only illuminates the issues, but also equips viewers with actionable steps for everyday impact. From sustainable swaps to powerful advocacy, the film unveils a spectrum of solutions...
The Global Search for Education: Behind Hope: A Conversation with Kathleen Duke
This month, audiences can screen Hope on the Planet Classroom Network.
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