Common Thread: Fighting Global Warming Through Film
By Alex Silverman Director Frank Fazzio presents Common Thread, a profound exploration of a global initiative uniting filmmakers and local children, driven by their shared desire for a sustainable planet. Frank Fazzio directed, produced, edited, and wrote this film. Common Thread unites cinematographers and children from the United States, Kenya, Zimbabwe, Germany, Denmark, Mexico, and Taiwan. Each shares their community’s...
Converting Plastic Into Purpose in The War On Plastic Waste
By Rhea Mursalin The War On Plastic Waste, by Hunter Harrell, is a short film in Planet Classroom’s Problem Solver series supporting ByFusion’s Micro Diversion Platform. ByFusion’s innovative solution converts plastic waste into Byblock, an adaptable building material, addressing ocean plastic pollution. The 1 to 1 plastic to brick conversion project has conquerable challenges, thereby establishing itself in the film as a doable...
ChatGPT vs Bard: And the Better AI is?
By: Alex Silverman Jerry Camacho brings us a hot topic for this entry in Planet Classrooms’s Problem Solver series – AI. In Battle of the Bots: ChatGPT vs Bard, Camacho presents an engaging exploration of AI’s transformative potential, showcasing ChatGPT’s prowess in coding and game recreation, Bard’s real-time data integration, and their real-world problem-solving capabilities, ultimately revolutionizing...
Bridging Hope: ITDP’s Impact on Thailand’s Hill Tribes
By Xinrui Ma Hope is directed by Kathleen Duke and was produced as part of the Actuality Abroad program, which empowers storytellers to travel, learn, and share impactful global narratives. I believe this opportunity for filmmakers to explore different parts of the world and craft films addressing local concerns is truly special and invaluable. This short documentary film, set in Thailand, narrates the story of DeeDee, a community...
Cafe Red: A Guatemalan Dream’s Culinary Revolution
By: Ailin Velazquez Cooking for the Guatemalan Dream, directed by Nicola Pilkington, is an educational and inspiring film following Cecilia Cuc Alonzo’s journey—a young Guatemalan woman aspiring for success in a challenging country. It sheds light on Guatemala’s economic issues, illustrating the driving force compelling youth migration to seek a better life in the U.S. Amidst these challenges, Cafe Red emerges as a...
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