Stand Up: Harmony and Hope
By Adelina Hill Stand Up, directed by Jenny Morgan, is a heartwarming seven-minute animated musical film featuring endearing furry creatures that harmoniously sing about their endangered environment, urging humans to rally against fracking. Facing the threat of losing their homes, they seek your support to preserve their habitats. The song showcases captivating solos and addresses the risks of fracking, culminating in a resounding...
Il Global Ricerca per l'Educazione: Capturing Artistic Resilience: Kevin Keck Discusses Lion or the Lamb
Questo mese, audiences can screen Lion or the Lamb on the Planet Classroom Network.
Il Global Ricerca per l'Educazione: Una conversazione con Eshaan Mani, Creatore di Delhi Days
Questo mese, audiences can screen Delhi Days on the Planet Classroom Network.
Il Global Cerca Education: Scoprire l'anima dell'evoluzione della bicicletta di Marrakech a Pikala Binatna
Questo mese, audiences can screen Pikala Binatna on the Planet Classroom Network.
Il Global Ricerca per l'Educazione: Smascherare l'abilità artistica del tuo sé: un'intervista con Evan Bode
Questo mese, il pubblico può proiettare Thine Own Self su Planet Classroom Network.
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