Treinando Pedro (Training Pedro): The Pursuit of Soccer Success
By Rhea Mursalin Treinando Pedro (Training Pedro) is a short film directed by Igor Marinho that demonstrates the willingness and perseverance of a young boy’s pursuit of success. This film presents Pedro, an eager and determined individual who hopes to become a professional soccer player despite his lack of talent or athletic ability. Pedro studies soccer strategies and trains day and night in hopes of becoming better at his...
Unveiling the Digital Dangers: Policing the Metaverse Review
By Adelina Hill Policing the Metaverse, created by Imaja Williams with V/O by Jerry Camacho, sheds light on the inherent dangers of the online world. It underscores the challenges and vulnerabilities within the metaverse. In an age where technology advances, policing the internet becomes increasingly difficult due to the ease of data deletion. The film also highlights the ephemeral nature of digital content. Policing the...
La recherche globale pour l'éducation: Le créateur Evan Pretzer parle de Box Girl et du pouvoir transformateur de la boxe dans les bidonvilles de Nairobi
Ce mois, audiences can screen Box Girl on the Planet Classroom Network.
La recherche globale pour l'éducation: Explorer les frontières de la création: Entretien avec le réalisateur Riccardo Fusetti
Ce mois, audiences can screen Generation on the Planet Classroom Network.
La recherche globale pour l'éducation: Explorer la parentalité: Une conversation perspicace avec le réalisateur Alan Christiest
Ce mois, audiences can screen The Baby Project on the Planet Classroom Network.
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