邊境與針: 奧莉薇亞楊 (Olyvia Young) 的《你對微針和疫苗了解多少》?

邊境與針: 奧莉薇亞楊 (Olyvia Young) 的《你對微針和疫苗了解多少》?

By Ford Melillo What Do You Know About Microneedles and Vaccinesis a short film by Olyvia Young that explores new technology advancing the world of vaccine treatment. It offers an educational and engaging discussion of microneedles, effectively highlighting their various benefits. In the process of elucidating these advantages, the film also educates viewers about the contemporary state of vaccine administration in global...

釋放創造力: 《獅子或羔羊》的流行病之旅

釋放創造力: 《獅子或羔羊》的流行病之旅

作者:Jailene Kontz 獅子或羔羊, 凱文凱克導演, 聚焦 Sam Hatmaker 的旅程以及疫情封鎖如何影響她的創作生涯. 現場音樂場所及錄音室關閉, 薩姆在與觀眾建立聯繫方面面臨挑戰. 然而, 她重新評估了自己的方法, 轉向社群媒體尋求聯繫. 大流行改變了她對創造力和音樂創作的看法. 電影...

Treinando Pedro (訓練佩德羅): 追求足球成功

訓練佩德羅 (訓練佩德羅): 追求足球成功

By Rhea Mursalin Treinando Pedro (訓練佩德羅) is a short film directed by Igor Marinho that demonstrates the willingness and perseverance of a young boy’s pursuit of success. This film presents Pedro, an eager and determined individual who hopes to become a professional soccer player despite his lack of talent or athletic ability. Pedro studies soccer strategies and trains day and night in hopes of becoming better at his...

揭露數位化危險: 監管元宇宙審查

揭露數位化危險: 監管元宇宙審查

By Adelina Hill Policing the Metaverse, created by Imaja Williams with V/O by Jerry Camacho, sheds light on the inherent dangers of the online world. It underscores the challenges and vulnerabilities within the metaverse. In an age where technology advances, policing the internet becomes increasingly difficult due to the ease of data deletion. The film also highlights the ephemeral nature of digital content. Policing the...

全球搜索教育: 創作者埃文·普雷澤 (Evan Pretzer) 講述拳擊女孩以及拳擊在內羅畢貧民窟的變革力量

全球搜索教育: 創作者埃文·普雷澤 (Evan Pretzer) 講述拳擊女孩以及拳擊在內羅畢貧民窟的變革力量

這個月, 觀眾可以在星球課堂網路上觀看《盒子女孩》.
