By Amanda Tuccillo Willow’s Tale, an animated film directed by Linda Malik, is a prime example of how far your imagination can take you. The main character, Willow, is a black cat who embarks on numerous exciting adventures that end up saving the world. しかしながら, these exhilarating escapades are all playing out within Willow’s mind. This film emphasizes the significance of imagination, particularly in a child’s...
Ixoq が変化を促し、グアテマラの女性と子供たちの意識を高める
By Rhea Mursalin Danielle Nicole Lee delivers an inspiring documentary-style film about a young Guatemalan mother’s journey to becoming a role model in Ixoq. This project sheds light on the cultural standards for women in Guatemala, including discrimination, lack of education, and low expectations for change. さらに, it addresses the concerning issue of malnutrition in children. しかしながら, real change is only witnessed with...
バイ: Amanda Tuccillo Technology is constantly around us in the 21st century – whether it’s ourselves or those around us who are actively using iPhones, iPadを, or laptops. The iPhone has become a common escape from reality for many kids and teenagers, and like any escape, it can become addictive. 花男, a short film created by Luke and Ethan Montgomery, showcases the alarming truth of many high schools...
バイ: Jailene Kontz Solutions for climate change and the accumulating CO2 in the atmosphere are needed as soon as possible due to climate change rapidly impacting the Earth. ビデオ, 玄武岩は気候変動の解決に役立つ可能性がある? チャーリー・パーカー著, ティファニー・スティッツ, とダナ・サンティリャーナ, 強化風化や鉱物の炭酸化などのプロセスを通じた、気候変動の解決策としての玄武岩の利用を強調しています。. Basalt rocks can help...
新しいテクノロジーの探求: AI が私たちのビデオを作成するか?
By Tanner Sell Will AI Create Our Videos? is a short film produced by Veronique Manfedini that outlines the potential impact of content created by artificial intelligence. Start-ups like Runway AI have developed video-generation systems that use generative AI to create videos complete with music and dialogue based on simple text prompts. What are the possibilities AI provides us for formulating videos? What are the limitations and...