由: Jailene Kontz Solutions for climate change and the accumulating CO2 in the atmosphere are needed as soon as possible due to climate change rapidly impacting the Earth. 該視頻, Could Basalt Rocks Help Solve Climate Change? by Charlie Parker, Tiffani Stitz, and Dana Santillana, highlights the use of basalt rocks as a climate change solution through processes like enhanced weathering and mineral carbonation. Basalt rocks can help...
探索新技術: 人工智能會創建我們的視頻嗎?
By Tanner Sell Will AI Create Our Videos? 是 Veronique Manfedini 製作的短片,概述了人工智慧創建的內容的潛在影響. 像 Runway AI 這樣的新創公司已經開發了視頻生成系統,該系統使用生成式人工智慧根據簡單的文字提示創建包含音樂和對話的視頻. AI為我們製作影片提供了哪些可能性? What are the limitations and...
探索新技術: 浮動太陽能發電場
By Tanner Sell Can Floating Solar Farms Help Us Achieve Net Zero? is a short informational film by Megan Weisnberger that outlines the technology and its current use cases. Floating solar farms have gained traction in the pursuit of clean energy, specifically in Asian countries. Utilizing open water space opposed to land has created unique opportunities to harvest energy in more versatile ways. Megan Weisnberger provides a good...