寻找爱情: 罗斯休伊特的克里斯猫
By Rhea Mursalin Written and Produced by Ross Hewitt, Kris the Cat is an endearing and entertaining animated film that will have audiences hooked from the very beginning. This short film directed by Aimee Todoroff follows a royal queen’s cat who is an excellent mouse catcher but a little unlucky when it comes to finding a mate. He longs for a partner and embarks on an accidental adventure where he leaves home and eventually...
By Tanner Sell Blessing is a short film produced by Daniella Isabel and directed by Hadley Hendon that highlights the work being done for the disadvantaged in Morocco. Al Nour, a textile shop in Marrakech, employs physically disabled women and gives them a refreshed purpose in life through their work. In underdeveloped countries, this is particularly valuable due to a lack of financial support for disabled individuals. The film...
By Amanda Tuccillo In The Disputants, a short film directed by Malibu Taetz, two men are bound by honor to kill or be killed. The film starts with the two men doing the iconic five steps away from each other with their back turned and gun in hand. On the signal, it is a race to see who will turn and shoot the other first. The issue is that both men cannot agree on what the signal should be. In a comedic sketch of them trying to...
5G 更好的学习体验
By Veronique Manfredini In How Will 5G Improve Learning in Today’s World?, Lucinda Izzo, the film’s creator, talks about how much of a game-changer 5G is for wireless networks. With its promise of faster download speeds and significantly lower latency compared to its predecessor, 5G has the power to revolutionize the way we connect and communicate. One area where 5G stands to make a profound impact is in the field of...
由: Amanda Tuccillo Climate change constantly impacts our world with pollution, deforestation, and hurricanes, causing suffering. In the short film How Do We Solve Climate Migration, Rhea Mursalin discusses the impact on the environment and people’s daily lives. Climate migration affects approximately 21.5 万人, forcing vulnerable individuals out of their homes due to weather-related incidents caused by climate...