编排连接: 《为信任而舞》回顾: 哈雷

编排连接: 《为信任而舞》回顾: 哈雷

By Rhea Mursalin Directed by Andres Gambier, “Dancing for Trust: Halle” offers an inspiring glimpse into the creative process of dance students in Halle, Eastern Germany. The film chronicles a high-energy 20-hour workshop where participants craft original choreography, revealing the transformative power of creativity. Gambier’s direction skillfully captures performances and the talented participants. The film’s strength lies in its...

打破障碍: 探索者的励志之旅

打破障碍: 探索者的励志之旅

作者:Alex Silverman Eshaan Mani 呈现《探索者》, 对一名印度女性在多年压抑后学习英语之旅的辛酸探索. 伊莎安·玛尼 担任编剧, 导向器, 编辑, 制片人, 和摄影师. 位于巴加尔普尔, 比哈尔邦的一个小镇, 印度, 我们遇见了普雷蒂, 一位年轻女子在毕业后一直努力学习英语 36 年. 各种挑战, 从自卑到文化差异, 有...

与阿罗哈的早晨: 传播创造力

与阿罗哈的早晨: 传播创造力

作者:Sadie Judd 短片, 导演尼古拉斯·里尼的《充满爱的早晨》, 是我一段时间以来看过的最积极、最可爱的电影. 加入 Aroha 和她独特的人生观, 观众深入到一个富有想象力和联系的世界. 影片宣扬邻里友爱, 关注创造力如何将最不确定的角色联系起来. 我非常喜欢这部电影所散发出的积极情绪, 探索...

并非所有事情都需要未知 – 欧布利特酒店的点评

并非所有事情都需要未知 – 欧布利特酒店的点评

由: Luke Ramirez Created solely by Max Hendrickson, The Oubliette is extremely impressive for a single-person production. The combination of 2D animation and 3D animation give this short film a unique style. The sound design is also fantastic and helps immerse the viewer into the world, despite the lack of any dialogue. These aspects work together to convey a lonely and oppressive mood, which allows viewers to understand that the city...

通过创新解决世界饥饿问题: 人工智能的力量

通过创新解决世界饥饿问题: 人工智能的力量

By Sadie Judd Solving World Hunger with Innovation from producer Marta Antonio is a highly informative short film that broadens the scope of how AI and technology can help address global crises. 通过描述不同公司用来解决这个一贯严重问题的流程, 影片宣扬了一种新的, 我们可以相信的技术先进的未来. Though the film doesn’t delve too deeply into how this AI...
