作者:坦纳 卖鱼故事, 马克·基弗导演, is a comedic short film that tells the story of Ernest Hemingway’s return to the modern world as a ghost. The film follows Hemingway as he finds himself in the attic of a home, engaging in a heated argument with fellow author Herman Melville that nearly turns physical. Kiefer skillfully blends comedy and revisionist history to recreate one of the most enduring literary debates...
寻找我: 重新认识年轻时的自己
By Rhea Mursalin Hazel Jones creates a wholesome and deeply inspirational project about finding one’s true self in The Search for Me. 这部短片讲述了一个人的故事, 在申请大学并努力回答有关他们到底是谁的论文问题时, 被年轻版本的自己访问过. This younger version proceeds to take the college applicant on a journey filled with all of the...
具有极化的紧密纺丝网: 驾驭数字政治
作者:Rhea Mursalin Tanner Sell 的短片, 具有极化的紧密纺丝网, 对互联网对不同民主国家和政治现实的影响进行了深入研究的分析. 这部电影为了解美国提供了极好的基础’ 民主及其与其他国家的比较. 政治可能是复杂且有争议的, 尊重彼此的信仰可能具有挑战性。.