Leonardo y Kevin: Una aventura animada de amistad y luz
By Veronique Manfredini Leonard and Kevin is an animated short film by the talented Montgomery brothers, Ethan y Lucas, that follows the misadventures of two characters on a mission to turn off a pesky lamp post. The unique blend of live action and animation is inventive and cute, and the attention to detail in the sound design creates a truly immersive experience. Sin embargo, while the technical aspects of the film are impressive, el...
Ascenso a la pertenencia a una tradición, Cultura, y familia.
By Veronique Manfredini Ascent is a short film by Eshaan Mani that follows the journey of Sanjna Pandit, estudiante de secundaria y bailarina de Bharatanatyam, mientras se prepara para su interpretación del Arangetram, la actuación debut de tres horas en la forma de danza Bharatanatyam. es una historia de pasion, resistencia, y rendirse donde Sanjina habla de encontrar pertenencia en la tradición, su cultura, y su familia. This short film was...
Técnica de animación Aniwayang exhibida en Daud Nugraha's “Pueblo de pepino”
Por Amanda Tuccillo El cortometraje Timun Village (El pueblo del pepino) por Daud Nugraha es una animación creativa que muestra el poder de la familia. Tres hermanos ciervo ratón viven felices en Cucumber Village hasta que una gallina aplasta la pelota de su hermano. Las hermanas acuden en su ayuda para levantarle el ánimo. La película utiliza el arte tradicional de los títeres de sombras., “aniwayang” técnica, y muestra una increíble cantidad de...
Los grandes datos de Keana Whisby: Corporaciones’ Rastreo y toma de su información
By Amanda Tuccillo Keana Whisby’s informative film, Big Data is Tracking You, discusses what Big Data is, the major companies that participate in Big Data collection, and how this impacts consumers on a daily basis while online. Whisby also touches upon the potential consequences of Big Data analytics if the data gets into the wrong hands. This could lead to phishing, scams, and disinformation which could create long-lasting negative...
Olyvia Young and Drew Borden’s Mangroves and Reforestation: Protecting Nature-Based Solutions
By Rhea Mursalin Olyvia Young and Drew Borden’s short film, What Do You Know about Mangroves and Reforestation, is an informative project that speaks about the necessity of mangroves to our ecosystems. Young and Borden showcase how mangroves can ultimately help our environment, as well as the ways in which humans can work to protect them. This film was done in a slideshow format with a voiceover as part of Planet Classroom’s...
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