Keana Whisby’s Big Data: Corporations’ Tracking and Taking of Your Information
By Amanda Tuccillo Keana Whisby’s informative film, Big Data is Tracking You, discusses what Big Data is, the major companies that participate in Big Data collection, and how this impacts consumers on a daily basis while online. Whisby also touches upon the potential consequences of Big Data analytics if the data gets into the wrong hands. This could lead to phishing, scams, and disinformation which could create long-lasting negative...
Olyvia Young and Drew Borden’s Mangroves and Reforestation: Protecting Nature-Based Solutions
By Rhea Mursalin Olyvia Young and Drew Borden’s short film, What Do You Know about Mangroves and Reforestation, is an informative project that speaks about the necessity of mangroves to our ecosystems. Young and Borden showcase how mangroves can ultimately help our environment, as well as the ways in which humans can work to protect them. This film was done in a slideshow format with a voiceover as part of Planet Classroom’s...
Lo Yemen ha bisogno del nostro aiuto
Di Tanner Sell The Humanitarian Crisis in Yemen è un breve video prodotto da Charlie Parker e Grace Graham che delinea il conflitto che continua quotidianamente. Dopo quasi un decennio di guerra, il paese si trova ad affrontare condizioni incredibilmente precarie di carestia e sfollamento. Il popolo dello Yemen è stato sottoposto a uno stile di vita che non è altro che tortura, e la responsabilità ora spetta al resto del mondo di farsi avanti. Charlie e...
Il Global Ricerca per l'Educazione: Nine Year Old Director Maxwell Andrews on the Power of Words
Questo mese, audiences can screen Maxwell Andrews’ My Superpower on the Planet Classroom Network.
Il Global Ricerca per l'Educazione: Il regista Claudio Martins su Differenza e pregiudizio
Questo mese, audiences can screen Sebastiana on the Planet Classroom Network.
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