By Tanner Sell SHINE is a short-film that relays the ideas and propositions of many young people for calibrating their lifestyle to a post-pandemic world. Producer Jake Mascolo manages to weave together a collection of deeply moving and inspiring messages in a way that contributes to a greater theme. Lockdowns and remote life certainly had an impact on the lives of millions of young people, yet through the SHINE project, 它...
理发: 重新连接的感人提醒
By Alex Abreu Haircuts by Ethan Thomas is a short film that evokes a simple yet poignant story about adolescence and adulthood. The first time a young adult gains independence is an overwhelming and scary experience. What comes across clearly in the short film through Thomas’ direction is the initial melancholic tone that gradually transforms into something nostalgic and sweet. It’s a reminder of the importance of connection...
Alexis Wong 的迷人而凄美的故事
作者:Alex Abreu 亚历克西斯·王 (Alexis Wong) 执导的《野兽之祸》是一部充满梦幻色彩的动画短片, 故事书般的美感,立即将观众带入故事中. 引人入胜的旁白和舒缓的音景带回童年故事和终生难忘的教训的回忆. 这部电影通过一个简单的内容进一步巩固了这一点, 通过主角的眼睛传达了关于被拒绝的风险的强有力的信息, 一个生物...