Il Global Ricerca per l'Educazione: L'attivista per il clima Ved Sanyal parla con Kim Holmén
This month audiences can screen Net Zero Speaks with Kim Holmén.
Negli slum non manca la speranza
Di Tanner Sell Slum Dreams è un cortometraggio, film in stile documentario del regista Brendan Morini che analizza le terribili situazioni che si stanno verificando nello slum keniota di Nyalenda. Nonostante la mancanza di fondi e di sostegno generale per l’istruzione superiore, i ragazzi che crescono in quest’area sono ancora pieni di potenziale e sperano di realizzare i loro sogni. Questo film segue alcuni ragazzi e il futuro che è stato loro restituito grazie alla Young County...
Supporting Long Term Change to Save Our Homes from Global Warming
By Jake Mascolo Working with Nature to Fight Climate Change is a short film by Drew Berger that discusses the actions that must be taken to deal with the ongoing harm to our forests and ecosystems. Throughout the video, Berger discusses ways to combat climate change, with one of the most important being taking care of and restoring nature. Along with other measures such as reducing our environmental footprint, prioritizing protection,...
Disturbo dell'occhio non identificabile: Lotta personale per una nuova passione
By Rhea Mursalin Unidentifiable Eye Disorder is a short film by Ejun Hong that tells a personal story of what it means to have to change paths due to external, uncontrollable forces. Hong describes the realities of being unable to continue her academic journey due to an “unidentifiable eye disorder,” and ultimately turning toward art and more specifically, animation. I thought the manner in which this short film was developed...
Amelia (i gemelli): La scoperta dell'autostima
Da: Esmeralda Hernandez De La Torre Amelia (i gemelli) is a short film written and directed by the Montgomery Brothers (Ethan e Luca). The story illustrates the struggles the main character Amelia (played by Emery Gordon) faces with trying to discover what makes her unique from her twin sister (also played by Emery Gordon). It takes the audience through Amelia’s journey, from her daily routine with her twin sister to exploring...
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