全球搜索教育: 氣候活動家 Priyanka Prakash 從社會企業家 Udit Singhal 那裡得到獨家新聞
本月在 Planet Cassroom 網絡上, 觀眾可以通過 Udit Singhal 觀看淨零演講.
作者:Rhea Mursalin 在陽光下會拯救我們, Tanner Sell presents a strong and informative argument as to why solar energy is the leading energy source that can aid in the fight against climate change. Through the use of on-screen captions and a frequent stream of footage depicting solar panel installations, this short film highlights both the need for solar energy, as well as the main reasons why it is currently impractical to adopt...
小卡洛斯·道格拉斯的肯尼亞交響曲: 發現內在的音樂
作者:Rhea Mursalin Carlos Douglas Jr. 的短片, 肯尼亞交響樂團, demonstrates the powerful effects that music can have on those who have been exposed to its beauty. Through the use of bright and colorful animation, this film paints a complete story of how reluctance can evolve into inspiration. We see how Kenya, a child being dragged to an orchestra concert, eventually develops a love and appreciation for music. She initially...
格蕾絲·格雷厄姆(Grace Graham) 哈桑·納吉馬巴迪(Hasan Najmabadi)的電影《阿帕拉特》(Aparat)是一部感人的短篇小說,講述了 6 teenage boys who put their differences aside and work together to watch a movie. I genuinely really loved this film. It was simple, to the point, and provided a good message. Throughout the film, we see a recurring theme of the importance of movies and films. When the boys are initially trading in their collected scraps, they forgo money and...