By Tanner Sell What Progress Have We Made on Energy Storage and Climate Change? is a short documentary by Michelle Nguyen for Planet Classroom’s problem solvers series that seeks to answer the exact question it poses by providing information on the journey towards Net Zero. It lays out the various forms of renewable energy and the struggles we face in implementing them; one of which is the need for battery storage during times...
Growing Peace in the Middle East is a short documentary style film from young director Steven Hoffen. As just a seventh grader from New York, he already has the candor of a middle-aged, educated adult. He pulls from personal experience of travel to detail the work done by a non-profit in Israel. Sindyanna is an organization that aims to “grow peace” in the Middle East by connecting Jewish and Arab women through sustainable...
By Gabby Stagnone Fox Tails, 插曲 1: 夏天的晚上, directed by Sebastian Law, is a cute and quirky animated short for youth. It utilizes simple diction and funny characters to make the process of learning fun and easy. When I say funny, I mean some of the character’s one-liners actually made me laugh. Law did a great job giving some of the characters’ wit that would make an adult laugh while still maintaining...
作者:肖恩·亨德里克森 我一直在审查提交的电影大约 3 大约几个月了, 伊森·托马斯导演的《你的举动》是迄今为止我最喜欢的一部. 电影本身的概念很棒: 2 亲密的朋友, 其中之一正在移动. 最好的朋友如何应对可预见的亲密关系的结束? 这两个角色之间有着如此真实的化学反应, 随着我们的进步, 那种化学反应只会使...
中提琴艺术家 Eric Lin 与其他巴德音乐家一起呈现一场鼓舞人心的音乐会
作者:肖恩·亨德里克森 我想在这篇评论的序言中说我不是音乐家, 我对古典音乐了解不多. 我愿意, 然而,, 研究音乐录音及其制作, 所以我会尽力在此基础上建立我的观点. 巴德音乐学院的巴赫, 贝多芬, 欣德米特, 和老当: 中提琴独奏和弦乐四重奏, 埃里克·林(Eric Lin)的中提琴蜿蜒穿过所有这些伟大的作曲家,似乎.......