作者:Teresa Matuzak 这个简洁的视频, 由艾琳·委拉斯开兹创作, 向观众介绍 Treeapp, 一个利用其在线应用程序和网站植树的创新组织. 通过观看广告或在线捐款, 用户’ 捐款用于植树——就这么简单, 二, 树! Velazquez 雄辩地描述了森林砍伐如何威胁全球生态系统,以及 Treeapp 的植树活动如何.......
By Zachary Klein Director Samantha Kapinos’ film Supremos (We Will Overcome) is small but deliberate. Kapinos’ short documentary conjures emotions by connecting a larger social problem to a heartfelt story of resilience and community-bonding. ‘Supremos’ follows Araceli, a single Honduran mother raising her two children while studying to finish her high school degree, supported by the Esteli Women’s School. Kapinos is...