By Alex Silverman This film comes to us from Planet Classroom’s original Problem Solver Series. In this short, student Ju Lin gives us a step by step guide on how the world might better prepare for another pandemic. Ju Lin shares multiple ideas from stockpiling medical equipment to developing pandemic task forces. These are all great ideas that need to be implemented not just for future pandemics, but also in the here and now while we...
全球搜索教育: Aaron Courville 谈机器学习的兴起
本月观众可以观看名为《机器学习的崛起》的视频, 由学生 Nicole Avidon 为 Planet Classroom 的问题解决者系列创作.
全球搜索教育: 导演晨 M. 导演晨 M
本月在Planet Classroom网络上, audiences can screen Shadow, a stunningly animated, 电影制片人Morning M的实验故事. Wu.