有史以來最好的夏天 – 為未充分服務的觀眾所講述的愛情故事

By Zachary Klein

有史以來最好的夏天 comes from an honest place. 聯合董事邁克爾·帕克斯·蘭達 (Michael Parks Randa) 和勞倫·史密特利 (Lauren Smitelli) 與芝諾山農場有著悠久的歷史, 拍攝部分電影的營地. 瀏覽農場的網站就會發現這部電影是社區共同努力的成果——熟悉的面孔隨處可見, 從瑪德琳羅茲飾演的電影反派到主演香儂德維多. The energy comes through in the film itself. Is it schmaltzy? 當然, it looks like a Disney Channel Original movie and plays like one. Is it silly? 是的, the outfits are frequently silly and the acting overly theatrical. It feels like an after-school special. Is it honest? 是的. There’s a palpable sense of pride in what’s being accomplished on screen that turns this camp romance into camp itself.

This film earns a solid 4 出 5 星星.

Zachary Klein is a rising junior at DePaul University, working towards a BFA in Film & Television Production. They also write regularly for their university’s newspaper The DePaulia and work as an independent filmmaker. They can usually be found watching whatever peaks their interest on the Criterion Channel this month.

作者: ç. M. 魯賓



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