Írta: Rhea Mursalin
Cukorrépa & the Dragon, an animated short film by Orane Delongeas, follows a young individual on a quest to find a legendary creature in order to make an impossible request. The protagonist offers a valuable object to the dragon, the master of the beyond, in exchange for the return of their deceased pet. This film showcases unique animation, a heartfelt storyline, and an overall moving outcome.
Delongeas creates a captivating project that explores themes of loss, grief, and the strength it takes to let go. I found this film to be a comforting watch, with a storyline and plot execution that are both different and intriguing. Továbbá, the vibrant colors and dream-like moments contribute to a lovely end product.
I would give this film a rating of five out of five stars.
Rhea Mursalin nemrég végzett a Kaliforniai Egyetemen, San Diego (UCSD), ahol B.A. fokozatot szerzett. a Kommunikációban.
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