Breaking Barriers: The Inspirational Journey of The Seeker

Por Alex Silverman

Eshaan Mani presents The Seeker, a poignant exploration of one Indian woman’s journey to learn English after years of suppression. Eshaan Mani served as screenwriter, director, editor, producer, and cinematographer.

In Bhagalpur, a small town in Bihar, India, we meet Preeti, a young woman who has struggled to learn English after 36 años. Various challenges, from an inferiority complex to cultural differences, have held her back. But with her cousin acting as her cheerleader, Preeti overcomes the odds and combines her newfound language skills with her passion for yoga. It’s a short yet inspirational story of overcoming obstacles and pursuing passions.

Doy esta pelicula 4 fuera de 5 estrellas.

Alex is a graduate of Columbia College Chicago with a major in Comedic Writing & Actuación y un minor en Escritura para Televisión. Aparte de su trabajo como parte del equipo de selección de películas de Planet Classroom Network en CMRubinWorld, he is a sketch writer, and pursuing a career in acting in New York City.

Autor: C. M. Rubin

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