バイ: ジェイリーン・コンツ
短編映画, AIはメンタルヘルス危機の解決に貢献できるか? ラケシュ・シン著、ジェリー・カマチョによるナレーション付き, メンタルヘルス危機に光を当てる, と 36% 社会的偏見のために診断されないケースの割合.
AI技術はあらゆる分野で急速に進歩しています, 特にメンタルヘルス分野. This technology has the potential to decrease the stigma around mental health by reducing the need for people to seek face to face help. The first step of therapy is generally to talk to someone and begin therapy. しかしながら, with many people unable to take this first stress due to stigma around mental illness, AI technology could be the solution eliminating this step altogether. People could use AI to receive the therapy they need because AI is being trained in different forms of therapy. The technology is also 63%-92% successful at identifying mental illness.
The information is presented in a clear manner, but it could use some more in depth information to make it clearer what the technology does. Overall the video is visually interesting and provides interesting information.
I give this film a 3 の中から 5 出演者。
ジェイリーン・コンツはコロラド大学コロラドスプリングス校を卒業したばかりです。, コミュニケーションの学士を優秀な成績で取得. 彼女は CMRubinWorld のインターンで、写真と執筆に興味があります。