インドでは, 家父長制社会の下で暮らす何百万もの女性は、できる限り屋内に留まり、料理などの家族の義務を担うように言われている。, クリーニング, そして夫を見つける. そうでなければ, 彼らは家族以外の男性の支配下にあり、家族の名誉を傷つける可能性があります。多くの女性が個人の自由に関して重大な課題に直面し続けている一方で、, what happens to those few who find the courage to rise up and follow their dreams?
The short observational documentary Can’t Hide Me, directed by Madhuri Mohindar (プラネットクラスルームネットワークのYouTubeチャンネルで上映中) follows the struggle of three young indian women Parvati, Malika and Heena who break the rules to pursue their interests in education, 芸術, スポーツの, and photographic journalism. The narrative device of talking heads gives these women a platform to express their individual points of view. In addition the audience is able to gauge how ingrained patriarchy is in the fabric of Indian culture. As reflected by the majority of men and a number of older women who appear in the film, people are raised to believe that a woman’s place is in the home predominantly because of the harm that may happen to a woman when she ventures out. Although this seems like an elaborate excuse to keep women domesticated, violence against women in India serves as one of the major themes of the documentary.
Whether they were attempting to leave the nest and achieve their seemingly impossible goals or follow their family’s wishes and marry a husband who can provide for them, the women in the documentary experience both domestic abuse and violence from male strangers. The filmmaker highlights a much larger issue regarding violence against women’s bodies, connecting it with the misconception of ‘suffering in silence’ as being virtuous, while also not letting it dominate the celebration of those women who strive to overcome societal obstacles. 加えて, director Madhuri Mohindar interviews those who are more supportive of gender equality such as Sonali Khan, head of the Human Rights Group Breakthrough, who supports the women as they strive for a better education, and Venugopal, Malika’s husband who encourages his wife to practice the male-controlled Indian performance art of Yakshagana. Even though no real structural changes occur during this twenty-five minute documentary, the true shift will hopefully be seen in the course of history. These women have contributed so much to improving society and Can’t Hide Me serves as a testament to that fact.
私は評価します Can’t Hide Me 4/5. My only question was that some of the women were referred to as Muslim, a minority in India, while also wearing the bindi as well as engaging in traditionally Hindu practices. This confusion could be resolved if the filmmaker better specified the faiths of the main figures and how they relate to the treatment of women outside both religious and national cultures.
Will Hiteは、コネチカット大学の先輩で、演劇と映画の研究の学位を取得しています。. 彼の重点分野には、プレイライティングとスクリーンライティングが含まれます, 演技, 演出, ビデオ編集, とドラマツルギー. ウィルは彼の大学で学生が演劇シーンを運営する熱心なメンバーでした, ウィッグとキャンドルの戯曲の読み物を整理するのを手伝うだけでなく、Crooked CurtainsTheaterと呼ばれるプレイライティングクラブを設立しました。