魅惑的な荒廃: Ava BoundsによるBethのレビュー

バイ: ジェイリーン・コンツ

短編映画 ベス by Ava Bounds starts off with a woman running away from a Victorian insane asylum. She is making her way home with the help of a nice little boy. しかしながら, once she reaches home, she is captured and returned to the institution. It is revealed that the little boy was only an illusion, and perhaps she did not almost make it home after all.

The film is visually captivating and pulls the audience in at every twist and turn. The audience is brought through a variety of different emotions, from stress to sadness, as they watch a woman longing for her home get ripped away from it once again. There is no dull moment following ベス, and the audience hopes for her, regardless of the circumstance, that she can be reunited with her family.

私はこの映画をあげます 5 の中から 5 出演者.

ジェイリーン・コンツはコロラド大学コロラドスプリングス校を卒業したばかりです。, コミュニケーションの学士を優秀な成績で取得. 彼女は CMRubinWorld のインターンで、写真と執筆に興味があります。

著者: C言語. M. ルービン
