The Global Search for Education: Student Driven Real-World Learning in Broadcast Journalism
National award-winning educator, Kris Hupp, the current Director of Technology & Instructional Innovation at the Cornell School District in Coraopolis, Pennsylvania, believes students need the knowledge and skills to create original content in an ever-increasing media-rich world.
PISA – Create a Test That Gives Policymakers 21st Century Big Data That Matters
PISA has successfully created a test that the world’s leaders pay attention to. But those who have not followed the decades of research and activism on what kind of education matters for a 21st Century child know that the PISA assessment is fast becoming irrelevant. The kinds of things that we test have become easy to digitize and automate so we must change the test.
The Global Search for Education: Welcome to Muse School
Jeff King is the Head of MUSE School in Calabasas, California, and the CEO of MUSE Global. He is the architect of the MUSE Blueprint that has enabled 100 percent of MUSE high school graduates to be accepted by their university of choice.
Around the World in 30 Days – November 2019
What is it like to be a child in 2019? A new OECD report, “Educating 21st-Century Children: Emotional Well-Being in the Digital Age,” says that while better support for physical and mental health has improved modern children’s lives, access to tablets and smartphones before you learn to walk and talk has consequences, good and not so good.
The Global Search For Education: S.M.I.L.E.S.
What if all teachers were empowered with a stress-free learning ecosystem that supported their well-being and motivated them to love their job?
The Global Search for Education: The Sky’s the Limit for Sky School
Only 23% of the millions of displaced refugees around the world have access to a quality secondary education. How do you address the challenges and the opportunities involved in creating a quality education for refugees?
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