Música e das Artes: A New Opera

Música e das Artes: A New Opera

“Milagre!, uma nova ópera, está conquistando corações e transformando a educação musical infantil.”– C. M. Rubin Foto cortesia de Christopher Hall. Eu sei quando experimentei um milagre: tendo a oportunidade de conhecer Andrew Lloyd Weber na década de 1980 para falar sobre o talento de uma artista desconhecida chamada Sarah Brightman que seria a atração principal de uma produção de Lloyd Weber chamada Song and Dance; sentado ao lado ...

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Alice Pleasance Liddell, verão 1858 Cortesia de Galeria © National Portrait, London. In the year 2143, will we be able to say Harry Potter lives, Harry Potter is global, or even that Harry Potter’s enduring legacy continues to inspire all age groups? None of us really know for sure what will happen to Harry Potter between now and then. O que você deve saber é que há um livro, qual, 146 years after it was first...

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A Pesquisa Global para a Educação: Mais sobre Artes

A Pesquisa Global para a Educação: Mais sobre Artes

Arts education strategies play a significant role in closing the achievement gap, improving student engagement, and nurturing creativity and innovative thinking skills.” – C. M. Rubin Thought leaders in The Global Search for Education series have consistently argued that an education without the arts is incomplete. The President’s Committee on the Arts and the Humanities report, Reinvesting in Arts...

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A Pesquisa Global para a Educação: More Arts Please

A Pesquisa Global para a Educação: More Arts Please

More Arts Please Sir Photo Courtesy of Beechwood Sacred Heart School UK.To lose our culture is to lose our memory.More Leonardo da Vincis, more Martha Grahams, more Ludwig Van Beethovens, more Luciano Pavarottis, more Marlon Brandos, more Antoni Gaudis, more Coco Chanels, more Bob Dylans, more Zhang Xiaogangs, more William Shakespeares, more Julia Margaret Camerons, more Gustav Vigelands, more Andrew Lloyd...

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A Pesquisa Global para a Educação: Se a música for o alimento….

A Pesquisa Global para a Educação: Se a música for o alimento….

Leon Botstein will conduct the landmark production of Richard Strauss’s opera Die Liebe der Danae opening Bard Music Festival July 29 photo courtesy of Bard College. If music be the food of educational excellence, play on Maestro Botstein. Give me excess of Richard Strauss’s Die Liebe der Danae at Bard Summerscape 2011. That strain again Maestro, it had a dying fall. It came o’er my ear like the sweet sound of...

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Liberdade: O que 4 de julho e Alice no país das maravilhas têm em comum?

Liberdade: O que 4 de julho e Alice no país das maravilhas têm em comum?

Julho 4, 1776 is known as American Independence Day, the day that commemorates the adoption of America’s Declaration of Independence. It is the day on which 13 colonies from Maine to Georgia, (which today consist of Maine, Georgia, Delaware, Pensilvânia, New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maryland, South Carolina, Carolina do Norte, New Hampshire, Virginia, Nova Iorque, and Rhode Island) overcame many obstacles and finally...

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