The Global Search for Education: Successful Integration Strategies for Migrants

The Global Search for Education: Successful Integration Strategies for Migrants

“Students in immigrant families have expectations for their careers that match, and in many cases surpass, those of more socio-economically advantaged students with native-born parents.”  —  Borgonovi and Piacentini The new OECD report, Immigrant Students at School: Easing the Journey towards Integration, based on data from the OECD’s PISA program, finds no link between the share of immigrant students and the...

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The Global Search for Education: With the World in Mind

The Global Search for Education: With the World in Mind

“The IB has concerns for humanity hardwired into it, in its philosophical heritage, its mission, and today’s curricula.” — Siva Kumari Siva Kumari, the first female Director General of the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO), has a lot on her mind. As global education systems scramble to find better ways to teach international perspectives and intercultural competence to the first generation of world...

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Around the World in 30 Days — November 2015

Around the World in 30 Days — November 2015

  C. M. Rubin’s global education report Nos pensées et nos prières sont avec nos amis à Paris. Il est difficile de penser à d’autre choses que les innocents qui ont perdu leurs vies. L’éducation peut jouer une rôle essentielle dans la construction de communautés mondiales. Nous continuerons à travailler pour les valeurs que nous chérissons. At the IB Heads World Conference in The Hague, Peter Senge discussed...

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The Global Search for Education: Your Mission is To Play!

The Global Search for Education: Your Mission is To Play!

“Our technology targets the more basic ability of an individual to perceive and prioritize conflicting streams of information (or ‘interference’) which should allow an individual to control his or her goals in sensory rich environments, like everyday life.” — Eddie Martucci Tap Screen to Start! Project: EVO is a mobile game platform that trains your brain to ignore distractions and stay focused. Pilot...

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Around the World in 30 Days — October 2015

Around the World in 30 Days — October 2015

C. M. Rubin’s Global Education Report The stark problem of inequality from a wide range of theoretical and hands-on perspectives was a major theme in my global discussions this month. Inequality (gender and economic) causes huge gaps in who can get a good education, but it also creates gaps in who are unable to use their education for employment. The solutions are numerous and complex, but one fact is clear — reducing...

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The Global Search for Education: What’s Best For Your Child?

The Global Search for Education: What’s Best For Your Child?

  “My message is not about education: it’s about childhood. If we really want to improve education in America, and if we really want our children to succeed, we need to re-frame the very questions we’re asking.” — Vicki Abeles The majority of us want a happy, healthy and productive life for our children. However according to Vicki Abeles (Director Race to Nowhere) and author of Beyond Measure, our...

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