A Global Search for Education: Egészség és nagyobb teljesítményre ösztönöz

A Global Search for Education: Egészség és nagyobb teljesítményre ösztönöz

“Igen elterjedt, specifikus egészségügyi problémák nagy hatással a diákok’ motiváció és a tanulási képesség, és nem tért ki jól a nemzet iskolákban.” — Chuck Basch Student health problems illustrate a compelling but generally neglected influence on the US domestic achievement gap, állítja Dr.. Károly (Chuck) Basch, author of Healthier Students Are Better Learners. In...

A Global Search for Education: When Little Children Die

A Global Search for Education: When Little Children Die

Grief will affect all. The trauma of losing a young child never goes away and the grief may be quite protracted, but healing occurs over time.” – DR. Brian Fallon When beautiful little children and their brave teachers die in a senseless act of unspeakable violence such as the one at Sandy Hook Elementary School, the nation cries. The nation prays for relief from its overwhelming grief and from these prayers...

A Global Search for Education: Beletelik egy közösségi

A Global Search for Education: Beletelik egy közösségi

“Hisszük, hogy a közelben tartózkodók befolyásoló kulcsfontosságú a sikeres megelőzését megfélemlítés.” — Professor Christina Salmivalli It takes a community to prevent bullying in schools, amely várhatóan befolyásolja 13 millió gyermek a egyesült államokbeli. a jelenlegi tanévben. Megállás a megfélemlítés járvány is megköveteli finanszírozás, kutatás, a holistic program developed with that research plus the collaboration and...

A Global Search for Education: Mi a jó?

A Global Search for Education: Mi a jó?

How do we preserve some sense of Truth, Beauty and Goodness at a time we have so much change going on?” — Howard Gardner. Photo by Megan Morr, Duke Photography. Truth, Szépség, Jóság — what do they mean to young and old in a 21st century world experiencing dramatic technological and philosophical change? A man who understands the difficulty in educating for the virtues in a challenging new age is...

A Global Search for Education: A View From Germany

A Global Search for Education: A View From Germany

Early language skills have to be developed. This is something that the German government is trying to intensify at the moment.” — Prof. Dr.. Wolfgang Schneider Fighting the war on poverty with high quality early childhood education programs is an issue discussed and supported by numerous contributors to The Global Search For Education series. Researchers, educators and policy makers have argued that...

A Global Search for Education: Racing to the Top at Four

A Global Search for Education: Racing to the Top at Four

We believe that tutoring at such a young age should be done by the parents, not with a hired tutor.”– Michael McCurdy Put down your teddy bear! It’s time to take your standardized test. Does it matter that racing to the top threatens to push pre-schoolers into an academic environment too early? Michael McCurdy, the Co-Founder and CEO of TestingMom.com (a children’s tutoring service for...
