The Global Search for Education: Cyberbullying, Internet Dangers and What the World’s Teachers Are Doing About It

The Global Search for Education: Cyberbullying, Internet Dangers and What the World’s Teachers Are Doing About It

According to an Ipsos/Reuters poll, more than ten percent of parents around the world say their child has been cyberbullied and nearly one-fourth know a youngster who has been a victim. Another recent global study by the OECD/PISA of approximately 540,000 students in 72 countries clearly showed that over the last decade, student well-being has seriously declined. In our interview with Andreas Schleicher he noted that the “most...

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Around the World in 30 Days – August 2017

Around the World in 30 Days – August 2017

C. M. Rubin’s Monthly Global Education Report If the world’s teachers were calling the shots on content in curriculum, what would they change? This month our world-renowned educators had their say. “Yes, the world is changing. I would say shrinking day by day,” writes teacher Rashmi Kathuria from India, who believes “the entire education system needs revamping. We need to develop a generation of critical thinkers, collaborators,...

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The Global Search for Education: Lessons in Happiness from our Global Millennials

The Global Search for Education: Lessons in Happiness from our Global Millennials

What can Millennials teach everyone else about happiness? The Happify study concluded that some Millennials place far too much emphasis on work as the key to their happiness. The Millennial Bloggers are based all over the world. They are innovators in entrepreneurship, journalism, education, entertainment, health and well-being and academic scholarship. This month we asked them to share their lessons in life and the pursuit of...

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The Global Search for Education: Dear Parents – A Conversation with Dr. Leonard Sax

The Global Search for Education: Dear Parents – A Conversation with Dr. Leonard Sax

“American kids are now 10, 20, 50 or 90 times more likely to be on prescription psychiatric medications compared with kids in other countries (the rate varies depending on the diagnosis in question). I think it’s an important and disturbing trend.” — Dr. Leonard Sax Dr. Leonard Sax graduated Phi Beta Kappa from MIT in January 1980 at the age of 19. He then went on to the University of Pennsylvania, where he earned both a PhD in...

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Around the World in 30 Days: April 2017

Around the World in 30 Days: April 2017

C. M. Rubin’s Monthly Global Education Report Innovation guru Clay Christensen has his eyes on Parenting. In a revealing interview with CMRubinWorld this month, Christensen argues that outsourcing work as significant as parenting can be very costly in the long run. “A good life is not one that is free from struggle, but one in which people have the tools to overcome what life throws at them. By that logic, a good parent is one who...

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The Global Search for Education: New Study Shows Student Well-Being Is in Serious Decline

The Global Search for Education: New Study Shows Student Well-Being Is in Serious Decline

“Perhaps the most distressing threat to student well-being is bullying, and it can have serious consequences for the victim, the bully and the bystanders.” — Andreas Schleicher “When disenfranchised youth from the heart of our countries, who have ticked all the boxes of formal education, join the Islamic State to turn the historic multi-ethnic and multi-religious powerhouses of the Middle East back into...

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