La Búsqueda Global para la Educación: Japón

La Búsqueda Global para la Educación: Japón

Ours is now a knowledge based society, which requires education to strengthen higher-ordered inquiry, creativity and communication beyond ready-made knowledge and skills acquisition.” — Professor Manabu Sato Many consider Japanese primary and junior secondary level education to be exceptional, yet Manabu Sato believes the quality of his country’s senior secondary and higher education is questionable....

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La Búsqueda Global para la Educación: Acceder

La Búsqueda Global para la Educación: Acceder

Edmodo has been invaluable in promoting digital citizenship for my students, and an awareness of appropriate, but exciting online participation.” — Viviene Tuckerman – Australia Educators, students and parents around the world continue to log on and learn in these digital times. But how does the largest K – 12 social learning platform transform into a global conduit for meaningful learning and...

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La Búsqueda Global para la Educación: Lecciones de Matemáticas finlandeses

La Búsqueda Global para la Educación: Lecciones de Matemáticas finlandeses

“Creemos que los estudiantes necesitan desarrollar confianza en sí mismo y la confianza en su capacidad para hacer matemáticas, y es la solución de la vida real, problemas más simples que les da la capacidad de participar en más difícil, tareas abstractas. Sólo el conocimiento procedimental adquirido de esta forma será capacitar a los estudiantes para resolver los problemas de prueba.” — Cecilia Villabona La investigación ha tratado de entender por qué más niños que niñas ...

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Reflecting On Teacher Relationships

Reflecting On Teacher Relationships

Click here to read an original op-ed from the TED speaker who inspired this post and watch the TEDTalk below. I stand before you heavy-hearted and tentative to let go of my second and last child who will graduate high school in just a few weeks time. Like other parents, I know that with an impending high school graduation, it is a nostalgic time charged with diverse and conflicting emotions. I feel joyful. I feel tearful. I feel...

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La Búsqueda Global para la Educación: Campus Talk

La Búsqueda Global para la Educación: Campus Talk

The aim ofCampusis to allow experts on a diverse range of topics, from neuroscience to eating disorders to cyber-bullying, to share perspectives with educators.Campus,” an idea born in Finland (the top ranking country in education according to recent international comparisons), is an exclusive professional seminar for all New York City public school teachers that will be held this Saturday, May 4th...

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La Búsqueda Global para la Educación: Salud y Superior Parte Logro 2

La Búsqueda Global para la Educación: Salud y Superior Parte Logro 2

“Los niños con TDAH suelen ser comparables a las estimaciones de coeficiente intelectual y las habilidades cognitivas, lo que sugiere que su trastorno es lo que está haciendo en el camino del aprendizaje.” — DR. Gregory Fabiano Inattention and hyperactivity are some of the most common types of mental and behavioral health problems that affects youth, de acuerdo con el Dr.. Carlos Basch, author of Healthier Students Are Better Learners. In Basch’s...

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