北朝鮮と韓国の統一: 一つの使命, ワンコリア
バイ: Alex Silverman Kristen Gallinaro presents us with a near century-long conflict with Reuniting North Korea and South Korea, in this entry from Planet Classroom’s Problem Solver series. Kristen delves into the background of the problem and the steps needed for reunification. North and South Korea have remained divided since the end of the Second World War and the aftermath of the Korean War. Exploring the deep-rooted division over...
By Rhea Mursalin The War On Plastic Waste, by Hunter Harrell, is a short film in Planet Classroom’s Problem Solver series supporting ByFusion’s Micro Diversion Platform. ByFusion’s innovative solution converts plastic waste into Byblock, an adaptable building material, addressing ocean plastic pollution. ザ· 1 へ 1 plastic to brick conversion project has conquerable challenges, thereby establishing itself in the film as a doable...
ChatGPT vs 吟遊詩人: そして、より優れたAIとは、?
バイ: Alex Silverman Jerry Camacho brings us a hot topic for this entry in Planet Classrooms’s Problem Solver series – AI. In Battle of the Bots: ChatGPT vs 吟遊詩人, Camacho presents an engaging exploration of AI’s transformative potential, showcasing ChatGPT’s prowess in coding and game recreation, Bard’s real-time data integration, and their real-world problem-solving capabilities, ultimately revolutionizing...
調和のとれた決定: ファーストチェアのレビュー
By Xinrui Ma First Chair is a short film by the Montgomery brothers, イーサンとルーク, that follows the story of a clarinet player reevaluating her talent and pursuing her goal of claiming the first chair in a school music program. The storyline is simple, but the emotions of self-direction resonate with many talented students seeking their passion and place in the music industry. Through relentless practice and rehearsals, one can earn...
ティピの家: 新しい学びの場
バイ: Alex Silverman Rosie Robinson provides us with an inside look at a small cafe, ティピの家. But this is no ordinary cafe; it is also a learning hub that is growing a larger community. The Tipi Cafe is located in Da Nang, ベトナム, a city that is growing fast. But what makes this cafe stand out is the community it is raising. The Tipi Cafe also serves as a base for collaborative, conversation-based English learning. In this...
ブライアン博物館の口コミ: テキサスの歴史への愛を広める
By Ailin Velazquez The Bryan Museum: テキサスの歴史への愛を広める, directed by Eshaan Mani, is an educational and informative film that captures the importance of Texas history and the museum’s efforts to educate younger people through their distinctive learning and literacy-based programs. The film also provides an insightful glimpse of how the museum is creating an internal change to offer a more educational and...