北韓和南韓重新統一: 一個使命, 一個韓國

北韓和南韓重新統一: 一個使命, 一個韓國

由: Alex Silverman Kristen Gallinaro presents us with a near century-long conflict with Reuniting North Korea and South Korea, 在星球課堂問題解決者係列的這篇文章中. 克里斯汀深入探討了問題的背景以及重新統一所需的步驟. 自第二次世界大戰結束和韓戰結束以來,北韓和南韓一直處於分裂狀態. Exploring the deep-rooted division over...



By Rhea Mursalin The War On Plastic Waste, by Hunter Harrell, is a short film in Planet Classroom’s Problem Solver series supporting ByFusion’s Micro Diversion Platform. ByFusion’s innovative solution converts plastic waste into Byblock, an adaptable building material, addressing ocean plastic pollution. 該 1 對 1 plastic to brick conversion project has conquerable challenges, thereby establishing itself in the film as a doable...

ChatGPT vs 巴德: 更好的人工智慧是?

ChatGPT vs 巴德: 更好的人工智慧是?

由: Alex Silverman Jerry Camacho brings us a hot topic for this entry in Planet Classrooms’s Problem Solver series – AI. In Battle of the Bots: ChatGPT vs 巴德, Camacho presents an engaging exploration of AI’s transformative potential, showcasing ChatGPT’s prowess in coding and game recreation, Bard’s real-time data integration, and their real-world problem-solving capabilities, ultimately revolutionizing...

和諧的決定: 第一任主席回顧

和諧的決定: 第一任主席回顧

作者:馬新銳 《第一把椅子》是蒙哥馬利兄弟的短片, 伊森和路克, 講述了一位單簧管演奏者重新評估自己的才華並追求成為學校音樂計畫第一任主席的目標的故事. 故事情節很簡單, 但自我導向的情感引起了許多在音樂產業尋求熱情和地位的才華橫溢的學生的共鳴. 透過不懈的練習和排練, 一個人可以賺...

蒂皮之家: 一個新的學習場所

蒂皮之家: 一個新的學習場所

由: Alex Silverman Rosie Robinson provides us with an inside look at a small cafe, 蒂皮之家. But this is no ordinary cafe; it is also a learning hub that is growing a larger community. The Tipi Cafe is located in Da Nang, 越南, a city that is growing fast. But what makes this cafe stand out is the community it is raising. The Tipi Cafe also serves as a base for collaborative, conversation-based English learning. In this...

布萊恩博物館的點評: 傳播對德州歷史的熱愛

布萊恩博物館的點評: 傳播對德州歷史的熱愛

By Ailin Velazquez The Bryan Museum: 傳播對德州歷史的熱愛, directed by Eshaan Mani, is an educational and informative film that captures the importance of Texas history and the museum’s efforts to educate younger people through their distinctive learning and literacy-based programs. The film also provides an insightful glimpse of how the museum is creating an internal change to offer a more educational and...
