

バイ: Amanda Tuccillo Climate change constantly impacts our world with pollution, deforestation, and hurricanes, causing suffering. In the short film How Do We Solve Climate Migration, Rhea Mursalin discusses the impact on the environment and people’s daily lives. Climate migration affects approximately 21.5 万人, forcing vulnerable individuals out of their homes due to weather-related incidents caused by climate...

倫理的な AI を実現するには: 課題と解決策を探る

倫理的な AI を実現するには: 課題と解決策を探る

タナー・セル著 『倫理的 AI のための教育と規制』はコルトン・ローが制作した短編映画で、人工知能の進歩において技術コミュニティが直面する最大の課題を考察しています。. 彼は現在の闘争について概説する, 今後の障壁, 将来の成功に向けた潜在的なソリューションを提供します. 最終的に, それは慎重な教育と規制に帰着します, コルトンはこの映画を通して雄弁にそれを探求しています....

音楽で高揚感を与えるメッセージ: JLove カルデロンの普遍的な青写真

音楽で高揚感を与えるメッセージ: JLove カルデロンの普遍的な青写真

バイ: Rhea Mursalin Universal Blueprint by JLove Calderón showcases 7TRiiiBES, a collective of dedicated rappers promoting uplifting and relatable messages. Their themes of love, justice, and self-sufficiency shine through their performances. Calderón sets the stage by introducing the group’s mission, allowing each artist to showcase their skills. The talented rappers featured in this group include Ki Bohiti, LiveHigher, Siva,...

偏光によりしっかりと紡がれるウェブ: デジタル政治をナビゲートする

偏光によりしっかりと紡がれるウェブ: デジタル政治をナビゲートする

By Rhea Mursalin Tanner Sell’s short film, 偏光によりしっかりと紡がれるウェブ, offers a well-researched analysis of the impact of the internet on different democracies and political realities. This film provides an excellent foundation for understanding the United Statesdemocracy and how it compares to other nations. Politics can be complex and controversial, and respecting each other’s beliefs can be challenging...

ザ・サーチ・フォー・ミー: 若い頃の自分と再びつながる

ザ・サーチ・フォー・ミー: 若い頃の自分と再びつながる

By Rhea Mursalin Hazel Jones creates a wholesome and deeply inspirational project about finding one’s true self in The Search for Me. This short film follows an individual who, whilst applying for college and struggling to answer the essay question regarding who they really are, is visited by the younger version of themselves. This younger version proceeds to take the college applicant on a journey filled with all of the...



By Tanner Sell Fish Tale, directed by Mark Kiefer, is a comedic short film that tells the story of Ernest Hemingway’s return to the modern world as a ghost. The film follows Hemingway as he finds himself in the attic of a home, engaging in a heated argument with fellow author Herman Melville that nearly turns physical. Kiefer skillfully blends comedy and revisionist history to recreate one of the most enduring literary debates...
