By Gabrielle Stagnone Back to School During The Pandemic, directed by Marie Leiner, is a wonderful learning aid for youth who may not understand the impact to health and wellness of the pandemic. Leiner is a science researcher who has written and produced many health education shorts. In this animated short cartoon, she uses only visuals and music to represent what a pandemic is and why children must wear masks to school. I...
惑星教室より: 私の名前はタマちゃんです
By Sean Hendrickson It’s not often a political leader rises to fame for purely benevolent actions, but when it does happen, it’s a point of inspiration for generations to come. My Name is Tama-Chan follows the story of Yoshiomi Tamai, an advocate for legal rights and healthcare in Japan.Fluttery piano tracks underscore an impressive amount of b-roll surrounding Tama-Chan and his efforts. Interviews with associates, 家族, そして...
R.V は中絶が非合法化された恐ろしい未来を描く
By Tanner Sell R.V is a short film by directors Melissa Center and Will Hawkes that depicts the horrific, dystopian future where abortions have been outlawed and must be performed in clandestine operations. Using little dialogue, the film manages to convey deep levels of emotion with body language and environment. With the recent siege on women’s reproductive rights, the looming threat of abortion remains overhead. Women all...
Yukon Kings by Director Emmanuel Vaughan-Lee is a short film set in the remote Alaskan Yukon Delta. It tells the story of Yup’ik fisherman Ray Waska, the father of nine children and 33 grandchildren who teaches his young grandkids how to fish during the summer salmon run. Waska hopes his grandsons will one day pass on this knowledge to their children. We learn from him how important salmon fishing is to their way of life at the...
ショーンヘンドリクソンによって私は約のために提出された映画をレビューしてきました 3 ここ数カ月くらい, イーサン・トーマス監督の『Your Move』は、これまでの作品の中で一番楽しかったです. 映画自体のコンセプトは素晴らしい: 2 親しい友達, そのうちの1つは動いています. 親友たちは、予見される親密さの終焉にどう対処するのか? 二人のキャラクターの間には本物の相性があります, そして進歩するにつれて, その化学はただ作るだけです。.
ヴィオラ アーティストのエリック リンが他の吟遊詩人ミュージシャンと共に感動的で感動的なコンサートを開催
By Sean Hendrickson I’d like to preface this review by saying that I am not a musician, and I don’t know a lot about classical music. I do, しかしながら, study music recording and its production, so I will do my best to build my opinion based on that. In Bard Conservatory of Music’s Bach, ベートーヴェン, ヒンデミット, とヴュータン: ヴィオラ独奏と弦楽四重奏曲, Eric Lin’s viola meanders through all these great composers seemingly with...