达里尔·布莱特 (Daryl Bright) 的黑人女孩诗是一部关于非裔美国妇女斗争的有力电影
格蕾丝·马多弗 (Grace Madover) 在达里尔·布莱特 (Daryl Bright) 导演的这部引人入胜的电影中, 三名黑人妇女背诵一首关于她们社区面临的性骚扰的诗. 妇女们站在城市景观之上, 代表他们对性客体化的蔑视. 我真的很喜欢这些女性的形象,因为这表明她们继续抵制骚扰. 当三个女人背诵这首诗时, 另一位黑人妇女正在跳舞。.
Line Hadsbjerg 的 Out of Plastic 展示了我们海洋中令人生畏的塑料问题
在这 19 分钟电影, 多位环保人士谈论海洋中塑料数量不断增加的危险. 这部电影对于人类对海洋生物持续产生的影响具有毁灭性且令人大开眼界. 莱恩·哈兹比约 导演, 《Out of Plastic》以巴利阿里群岛为背景,那里的地中海有大量塑料. 塑料正在污染地中海, 这导致鱼的消费...
怎么样 9 一岁的菲利克斯芬克拜纳开始了他种植一万亿棵树的旅程
By Jovan Brooks In January 2007, Felix Finkbeiner from Germany was 9 years old and in fourth grade. He gave a class presentation on global warming and suggested to his classmates that children should plant one million trees in each country of the world. At the age of ten, Felix Finkbeiner founded Plant for the Planet. Inspired by Nobel Laureate Wangari Maathai’s movement to plant 30 million trees in Africa, Felix sought to do...
卡特·罗斯特龙的露丝 & 缺口: 糖果故事是一个以糖果乐园为背景的独特故事
乔万·布鲁克斯(Jovan Brooks)跟随尼克,我们在糖果乐园, 一个不太受欢迎的糖果,喜欢跳舞并寻求露丝的崇拜 – 一种流行的巧克力棒。 编剧和导演 15 一岁的卡特·罗斯特龙, 这部定格动画短片讲述了尼克和他追求露丝的故事, culminating in her recipricotating his affection at the Candy Gala when she finally offers him her hand to dance. Ruth and Nick;...
作者:亚历克斯·西尔弗曼(Alex Silverman), we find a family of bears teaching their newborn cubs about the world around them. They learn about everything from the change in seasons, hibernation, and what it means to be a bear. All set to very bright and beautiful 2.5D animation. The short itself does not focus on any major social or global issues and instead focuses on creating a story with a sense of comfort....
By Alex Silverman This film comes to us from Planet Classroom’s original Problem Solver Series. In this short, student Ju Lin gives us a step by step guide on how the world might better prepare for another pandemic. Ju Lin shares multiple ideas from stockpiling medical equipment to developing pandemic task forces. These are all great ideas that need to be implemented not just for future pandemics, but also in the here and now while we...