A Queens egy utazás Seattle Drag Queens életébe
By Ethan Thomas Drag culture continues to be vibrant and dynamic thanks to the performers, művészek, and designers who keep pushing the envelope of this art form. In Western culture, Drag performers can be traced as far back as ancient Greece. The documentary Queens takes a detailed look into the lives of 4 Seattle-based drag queens, illustrating the diverse ways that Drag has influenced and affected their lives. We learn about...
A cél megtalálása az, hogy befelé nézzen, és megértse, ki vagy
By Will Hite Find Your Purpose is an XTalks Video presentation by a high-school student in Malawi called Esther (curated for the Planet Classroom Network by XTalksWorldListens). Esther’s talk focuses not on ‘how’ to do something, but rather how ‘not’ to do something. Ugyanis, how not to give up on one’s dreams. “You are black, you are so small, you can’t do this unlike people like us.” The orator opens her speech by...
Rohingya vagyunk. A történet visszhangja a másikénak 700,000 Otthonaik elhagyására kényszerült menekültek
By Will Hite We Are Rohingya is a brief but comprehensive gaze into the horrors that an ethnic and religious minority are dealing with in Myanmar. Director Melissa Pracht’s powerful documentary is juxtaposed with the hopefulness that her subjects maintain throughout their challenging journey to find a place where they can live in peace. The Rohingya are the Muslim population of Myanmar that originally hail from Bangladesh. Both...
Egy fiatal lány erőteljesen védi a természetet
By Julian Cao Directed by Adam Tyler, Kids Who Save the World: Clean Air, is a three-minute documentary film that follows and interviews Arya, a little girl who frequently explores Epping Forest in England. Clips of Arya traversing Epping Forest embody the exquisite beauty, vibrancy, and delicacy of the forest and of nature as a whole. Quite notably, the crispness of the cinematography does a masterful job of capturing the serene...
Koga és barátai: Menedékközpontok a légzés és a kung-fu használatával a félelem leküzdésére
Írta: Ethan Thomas Koga és a Friends alkotói, David Friedman és Philip Kholos visszatértek a fiú Koga új kalandjával. Koga is a young yoga and kung fu master, always curious and always learning about the world around him. The topics of getting stitches after being injured and rescuing harmed animals can be intimidating for kids, but Koga and Friends: Shelter provides a safe and entertaining platform to be introduced to them. Ez...
Barátság, Szenvedély, Veszteség, és az izoláció a karantén témái, virtuális musical a tizenévesekről, akik kapcsolatban próbálnak maradni egy olyan világban, ahol arra kérik őket, hogy szigeteljék el őket.
By Will Hite Theater Bug, a non profit organization based in Nashville, and MA2LA collaborated to produce the explosive, groundbreaking Quaranteened, a virtual musical about the lives of a high school choir group who strive to put on a virtual show while also figuring out how to help out a grieving classmate. The musical was written and produced by teenagers living in quarantine in Nashville during the pandemic. Very few pieces...
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