By Ethan Thomas Drag culture continues to be vibrant and dynamic thanks to the performers, 藝術家, 以及不斷挑戰這種藝術形式極限的設計師. 在西方文化中, Drag performers can be traced as far back as ancient Greece. The documentary Queens takes a detailed look into the lives of 4 西雅圖變裝皇后, 說明變裝影響和影響他們生活的多種方式. We learn about...
By Will Hite Find Your Purpose is an XTalks Video presentation by a high-school student in Malawi called Esther (curated for the Planet Classroom Network by XTalksWorldListens). Esther’s talk focuses not on ‘how’ to do something, but rather how ‘not’ to do something. 亦即, how not to give up on one’s dreams. “You are black, you are so small, you can’t do this unlike people like us.” The orator opens her speech by...
我們是羅興亞人的故事與他者的故事相呼應 700,000 難民被迫逃離家園
By Will Hite We Are Rohingya is a brief but comprehensive gaze into the horrors that an ethnic and religious minority are dealing with in Myanmar. Director Melissa Pracht’s powerful documentary is juxtaposed with the hopefulness that her subjects maintain throughout their challenging journey to find a place where they can live in peace. The Rohingya are the Muslim population of Myanmar that originally hail from Bangladesh. Both...
由朱利安曹導演亞當泰勒, 拯救世界的孩子: 清新的空氣, is a three-minute documentary film that follows and interviews Arya, a little girl who frequently explores Epping Forest in England. Clips of Arya traversing Epping Forest embody the exquisite beauty, vibrancy, and delicacy of the forest and of nature as a whole. Quite notably, the crispness of the cinematography does a masterful job of capturing the serene...
古賀和朋友們: 庇護所的中心是如何使用呼吸和功夫來克服恐懼
By Ethan Thomas Koga and Friends creators David Friedman and Philip Kholos are back with a new adventure of the boy Koga. Koga是一位年輕的瑜伽和功夫大師, 總是好奇,總是了解他周圍的世界. 受傷後縫針和拯救受傷動物的話題可能會讓孩子們感到恐懼, but Koga and Friends: Shelter provides a safe and entertaining platform to be introduced to them. This...
友誼, 情, 損失, 隔離是隔離的主題, 一部關於青少年試圖在一個要求他們隔離的世界中保持聯繫的虛擬音樂劇.
作者:Will Hite Theatre Bug, 位於納什維爾的非營利組織, and MA2LA collaborated to produce the explosive, groundbreaking Quaranteened, a virtual musical about the lives of a high school choir group who strive to put on a virtual show while also figuring out how to help out a grieving classmate. The musical was written and produced by teenagers living in quarantine in Nashville during the pandemic. Very few pieces...