压迫性或教育性? 黑人女孩挑战学校着装规范的动机

压迫性或教育性? 黑人女孩挑战学校着装规范的动机

作者 Ali Grutchfield 着装规范是许多环境中最重要的组成部分, helping to establish professionalism and organization. 然而, in schools, dress codes can be manipulated to disproportionately target female black students. Clothed Minds is a documentary focused on dress code policies for black girls in the Washington DC public and charter school systems. It seeks to explore how enforcing dress codes leads to detrimental...

Human Race ISM 以扭曲的方式探索种族主义的影响: 外星人

Human Race ISM 以扭曲的方式探索种族主义的影响: 外星人

作者:Julian Cao 系统性种族主义遍及并困扰着社会, 它通常针对与我们肤色不同的人. 种族主义源于认为自己的种族优越的毫无根据的信念. 但, 如果那个种族是外星种族怎么办? 埃琳娜·维勒穆尔 导演, Human Race ISM is a three-minute short film that uniquely addresses racism through the concept of the human race versus an alien race. Thomas is a human...

Black Lives Matter 儿童歌曲鼓励平等和包容

Black Lives Matter 儿童歌曲鼓励平等和包容

By Ali Grutchfield In the current political sphere, there is constant strife and conflict related to diversity inclusion. No one stops to think about when and how people form their different belief systems. In their upbeat music video Black Lives Matter Song for Kids, Directors Omar Vigueras and Javier Rendon Borja with Hopster Studios take matters into their own hands by encouraging kids to treat all people equally and never...

舞蹈!  让孩子们克服恐惧,追逐梦想

舞蹈! 让孩子们克服恐惧,追逐梦想

By Ali Grutchfield Society has focused on encouraging kids to follow their hearts and minds in whatever direction this might take them. 然而, 面对变化或挑战, 年轻人如何克服恐惧和缺乏自信?  安德里亚 (安迪) Mangano’s Dance! 讲述了一个年轻女孩在观看表演后受到​​启发成为一名舞者的美丽故事. Mangano’s animated story employs simple...



By Will Hite Delivering Sunshine is a short film written, 指导的, 由 London Mitchell 制作,并在 KIDS FIRST 上亮相! 电影节。 这是一个小男孩在马车里收集旧鞋子的故事. 男孩偶然发现一个无家可归的人并给了他一双鞋. 影片的标题与影片的主题相对应 (向他人传播善意) as well as the narrator’s explanation of the word “climate”...

隐藏! 表明孩子可以比怪物更聪明

隐藏! 表明孩子可以比怪物更聪明

By Julian Cao Directed by Matt Streeter, 谁扮演怪物, 由奥利维亚和艾娃·斯特里特主演,饰演两个小女孩, 隐藏! 无疑是一种乐趣, 难忘的家庭项目. The premise of Hide! 很简单: 两个小女孩被房子周围的一个可怕的怪物困扰, 他们尽力躲避它. 他们挤进黑暗, 狭窄的角落, 例如阁楼和楼梯底部, 为了躲避怪物. 隐藏!...
