2 つの桟橋の間にある多様な音楽スタイル

2 つの桟橋の間にある多様な音楽スタイル

By Teresa Matuzak This documentary by director Rosie Robinson dives into the Brighton Beach Busking scene. 大道芸, 大道芸とか, ブライトンビーチ沿いで人気です, 観光客も常連客も毎日ユニークなパフォーマンスに魅了されます. Between Two Piers examines how Beach Busking engages the local community, アーティストにステージを提供する, ソーシャルメディアがアーティストのパフォーマンスにどのような影響を与えるのか, for better or for worse....

ピアニスト: 心で遊ぶ

ピアニスト: 心で遊ぶ

By Alex Silverman Pianist (not to be confused with the film starring Adrien Brody) is directed by Kazuya Ashizawa. It tells the story of a piano player struggling to play a piece by Beethoven. The star of this film is Yusuke Honda, who is an international competition winner in real life. We see Yusuke struggle in the beginning with his piece, with his instructor reminding him that Beethoven composed the piece with all his heart, so...



By Teresa Matuzak This succinct video, アイリン・ベラスケスによって作成されました, 視聴者に Treeapp を紹介する, オンライン アプリと Web サイトを使用して植樹を行う革新的な組織. 広告を視聴するか、オンラインで寄付することで, ユーザーが’ 寄付金は植樹に活用されます - 1 つだけ簡単です, 二, 木! Velazquez eloquently describes how deforestation is threatening ecosystems across the globe and how Treeapp’s tree-planting...

グリーンイノベーション: 再生可能エネルギー貯蔵の未来

グリーンイノベーション: 再生可能エネルギー貯蔵の未来

バイ: Alex Silverman The Future of Renewable Energy Storage, produced by Nicholas Olavario for Planet Classroom’s Problem Solver Series, introduces us to Form Energy and their groundbreaking ‘iron-air battery’ 革新. This short film addresses the pivotal question: How can renewable energy be made reliable 24/7? Through insightful storytelling and compelling visuals, Olavario chronicles Form Energy’s journey in...



By Zachary Klein Lawson Poklacki Del Castillo and Nicole Shara’s film, 命を救うために食料を節約する, タイトだが有益なドキュメンタリー映画製作作品である. Nilus として知られるテクノロジースタートアップをフォロー, 十分にサービスが行き届いていない飢餓地域に食べられない食料を直接調達することで、廃棄物の削減に貢献するアプリ開発者, the film deftly explores the complexities of such an organization with language that is nuanced yet understandable to laymen...

A Musical Ode to Resilience: Tan Dun Prayers and Blessing

A Musical Ode to Resilience: Tan Dun Prayers and Blessing

By Rhea Mursalin Tan Dun Prayers and Blessing stands as a significant testament to the human spirit amidst adversity, beautifully captured in this collaborative project by the Bard College Conservatory of Music and edited by Ryan MacEvoy McCullough and Yinglin Zhou. Tan Dun, the Dean of Bard Conservatory, masterfully crafts a composition that transcends its origins during the unprecedented times of the Covid-19 pandemic, evoking deep...
