A Diverse Range of Musical Styles in Between Two Piers

A Diverse Range of Musical Styles in Between Two Piers

By Teresa Matuzak This documentary by director Rosie Robinson dives into the Brighton Beach Busking scene. Busking, or street performing, is popular along Brighton Beach, drawing tourists and regulars alike to unique performances every day. Between Two Piers examines how Beach Busking engages the local community, provides a stage for artists, and how social media can influence the performances of artists, for better or for worse....

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Pianista: Playing with Heart

Pianista: Playing with Heart

By Alex Silverman Pianist (not to be confused with the film starring Adrien Brody) is directed by Kazuya Ashizawa. It tells the story of a piano player struggling to play a piece by Beethoven. The star of this film is Yusuke Honda, who is an international competition winner in real life. We see Yusuke struggle in the beginning with his piece, with his instructor reminding him that Beethoven composed the piece with all his heart, so...

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Um tremendo aplicativo de árvore para plantar árvores

Um tremendo aplicativo de árvore para plantar árvores

Por Teresa Matuzak Este vídeo sucinto, criado por Ailin Velázquez, apresenta aos espectadores o Treeapp, uma organização inovadora que usa seu aplicativo on-line e site para plantar árvores. Assistindo anúncios ou doando online, Usuários’ contribuições são utilizadas para plantar árvores - é tão fácil quanto, dois, árvore! Velázquez descreve eloquentemente como o desmatamento está ameaçando os ecossistemas em todo o mundo e como o plantio de árvores da Treeapp....

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Green Innovations: The Future of Renewable Energy Storage

Green Innovations: The Future of Renewable Energy Storage

Por: Alex Silverman The Future of Renewable Energy Storage, produced by Nicholas Olavario for Planet Classroom’s Problem Solver Series, introduces us to Form Energy and their groundbreaking ‘iron-air battery’ inovação. This short film addresses the pivotal question: How can renewable energy be made reliable 24/7? Through insightful storytelling and compelling visuals, Olavario chronicles Form Energy’s journey in...

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Usando a Internet para alimentar pessoas necessitadas

Usando a Internet para alimentar pessoas necessitadas

By Zachary Klein Lawson Poklacki Del Castillo and Nicole Shara’s film, Saving Food to Save Lives, is a tight yet informative piece of documentary filmmaking. Following the tech startup known as Nilus, an app developer that helps reduce waste by sourcing uneaten food directly to underserved and famished areas, the film deftly explores the complexities of such an organization with language that is nuanced yet understandable to laymen...

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Uma ode musical à resiliência: Orações e bênçãos de Tan Dun

Uma ode musical à resiliência: Orações e bênçãos de Tan Dun

Por Rhea Mursalin Tan Dun Orações e bênçãos são um testemunho significativo do espírito humano em meio à adversidade, lindamente capturado neste projeto colaborativo do Conservatório de Música do Bard College e editado por Ryan MacEvoy McCullough e Yinglin Zhou. Tan Dun, o Reitor do Conservatório Bard, cria com maestria uma composição que transcende suas origens durante os tempos sem precedentes da pandemia de Covid-19, evocando profundamente...

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