Amoureux des oiseaux et artiste Olivia Bouler n'abandonne jamais
Un petit acte de gentillesse peut aller très loin, evident through the film Olivia’s Birds by Director Lynne Cherry. Olivia’s Birds is the story of Olivia Bouler, an artist and a bird lover who was deeply affected by the BP oil spill back in 2010 lorsque 130 million gallons of oil spilled onto the Gulf of Mexico. Following the spill, Bouler is worried about the wildlife affected by the catastrophe, specifically the birds. The National Audubon...
Comment les jeunes militants ont interdit l'utilisation de sacs en plastique en Californie
How does one group of high school teenagers single-handedly cancel the use of plastic bags, not only in Santa Monica County, but also in the State of California? Team Marine is one of eight powerful stories of youth activists focused on reducing the carbon footprint in their communities created by the organization Young Voices for the Planet. The film is produced and directed by the organization’s Founder, Lynne Cerise, who is also a...
Walking with Reality Film offre une expérience qui change la vie d'un homme handicapé
La réalité virtuelle a le potentiel de transformer la vie des personnes handicapées en offrant des expériences qui seraient autrement inaccessibles dans des circonstances ordinaires. Walking With Reality est un documentaire qui suit Evan Gadda, une majeure en théâtre musical à l'Université du Nevada, Reno.
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