

Step into a world of superheroes, villains, challenges, and perseverance in the short film 安迪 & 卡利俄佩, directed by Catriona Rubenis-Stevens. 安迪 & 卡利俄佩 is an inspiring and emotional short film that follows a young, disabled boy’s quest to find a place where he can feel at home. As he struggles with the reality of being between foster home placements, young Andy seeks comfort in his love of superheroes to help ward off any villains that may challenge him.

安迪 & 卡利俄佩 is a unique film that showcases the difficult journey many individuals endure, as well as the importance of perseverance and channeling your inner superhero. With the help of a caseworker, Andy is reminded that inner strength and persistence can aid in working through obstacles.

An important film for all ages; 我會給這部電影 5 出 5 星星.

Rhea Mursalin 剛從加州大學畢業, 聖地亞哥 (加州大學聖地牙哥分校), 她在那裡獲得了學士學位. 在通訊領域.

作者: ç. M. 魯賓
