La Constitution de Claude: Une nouvelle approche pour une IA sûre

Par: Alex SIlverman

Anthropic: What Do You Know About Claude’s Constitution? is produced by Ailin Velazquez with narration by Gabrielle Scott for Planet Classroom’s Problem Solver series.

In the rapidly evolving field of AI, one company stands out for doing things differently. Anthropic, an AI safety and research company, has created aconstitutionfor its AI, “Claude,” to follow. This AI will have explicit values not solely based on large-scale human feedback. With this constitution, Claude will choose responses that are supportive of life, liberty, and personal security, are least likely to establish relationships with users, and carry the least risk to humanity. In an era where AI is still often feared, it’s reassuring to see companies like Anthropic leading the way.

je donne ce film 3 de 5 étoiles.

Alex est diplômé du Columbia College Chicago avec une spécialisation en écriture comique. & Performance et mineure en écriture pour la télévision. En dehors de son travail au sein de l'équipe de sélection de films Planet Classroom Network à CMRubinWorld, il est un auteur de croquis, et poursuivre une carrière d'acteur à New York.

Auteur: C. M. Rubin

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