Cowboy AstrophysicistTalking Stars Under the Star

由: 亞歷克斯·西爾弗曼

Cowboy Astrophysicist 被寫成, 指導的, 編輯, and filmed by Mark Kiefer.

We follow two cowboys camping out under the stars. As they gaze into the night sky, they delve into the fascinating yet complicated subject of astrophysics. One cowboy asks basic questions such as how many stars there are and what their temperatures are, while the other cowboy answers everything, from electromagnetic wavelengths to Stefan’s law and stellar radius.

It’s fun to see two characters discuss an unlikely and complicated subject. The charactersdynamic is entertaining, with one cowboy knowing everything about astrophysics while the other takes some explanations too literally. The film ends with a fun, comedic twist.

我給這部短片 4 出 5 星星.

亞歷克斯畢業於芝加哥哥倫比亞學院,主修喜劇寫作 & 表演並輔修電視寫作. 除了是 CMRubinWorld 星球課堂網路電影選拔團隊的一員之外, 他是一位素描作家, 並在紐約市追求演藝事業.

作者: ç. M. 魯賓
