By Avril Rowland
親愛なる夫人. 社長 is a short animated adaptation based on a book of the same name written by Ana Maria Medici. 短い実行時間にわたって, 親愛なる夫人. 社長 manages to convey the power representation can have on children, 彼らは自分自身をどのように見ているか, そして彼らは何ができるのか.
表現とロールモデルは、人々の自分自身に対する認識を強化し、肯定するのに役立ちます, and are especially important for children still in a developmental stage. When children see someone they identify with being treated with respect, it tells them that they also matter and are deserving of the same respect. 親愛なる夫人. 社長 demonstrates this with the main character telling her role model how confident and capable she feels because of her influence. Positive role models can inspire the confidence needed in life to be successful and true to yourself.
親愛なる夫人. 社長 gets its point across quickly and clearly. The animation is simple and clean, the world is sprinkled with details that bring life to the story, and the main character is endearing. I give the film five out of five stars.
Avril is a senior majoring in writing at the Savannah College of Art and Design. She aims to have a career publishing her writing one day.