
By Avril Rowland

「ダイバー」, 直訳すると「ダイバー」, ドイツの作曲家フランツ・シューベルトが2016年に書いた波乱万丈のバラードです。 1797. この作品は、王が荒れ狂う海に投げ込んだ黄金の杯を追いかけるために命を危険にさらす大地主の物語です。, 王が再びゴブレットを取り戻すことができればさらに大きな報酬を与えると申し出たとき、致命的に裁判を繰り返そうとするだけでした。. The featured rendition is performed by baritone Tyler Duncan and pianist Erika Switzer, who expertly guide us through the treacherous highs and lows of the squire’s story.

Duncan’s regal voice lends itself easily to the grand tale, heightening the ballad to an epic triumph and tragedy. Switzer controls the pace of the song, handling the many shifts in speed and tone without stumbling, keeping the ballad natural and connected. 一緒に, the duo make the listener feel as if they are a member of the royal court, enjoying a performance fit for a king. You can tell both performers are savoring the music, and it’s hard not to do the same when the music sounds this good.

Duncan and Switzer’s rendition of “Der Taucher” is expertly performed. The changes in tone and tempo are sudden, but never jarring, and neither performer falters at any turn. I give this performance five out of five stars.

Avril is a senior majoring in writing at the Savannah College of Art and Design. She aims to have a career publishing her writing one day.

著者: C言語. M. ルービン
