

《潜水员》, 翻译为“潜水员”, 是德国作曲家弗朗茨·舒伯特创作的一首动荡的民谣 1797. 这部作品讲述了一位乡绅冒着生命危险去追寻国王扔进汹涌大海的金杯的故事。, 只是当他的国王提供更大的奖励(如果他能再次取回高脚杯)时,他致命地试图重复审判. The featured rendition is performed by baritone Tyler Duncan and pianist Erika Switzer, who expertly guide us through the treacherous highs and lows of the squire’s story.

Duncan’s regal voice lends itself easily to the grand tale, heightening the ballad to an epic triumph and tragedy. Switzer controls the pace of the song, handling the many shifts in speed and tone without stumbling, keeping the ballad natural and connected. 在一起, the duo make the listener feel as if they are a member of the royal court, enjoying a performance fit for a king. You can tell both performers are savoring the music, and it’s hard not to do the same when the music sounds this good.

Duncan and Switzer’s rendition of “Der Taucher” is expertly performed. The changes in tone and tempo are sudden, but never jarring, and neither performer falters at any turn. I give this performance five out of five stars.

艾薇儿是萨凡纳艺术与设计学院写作专业的大四学生. 她的目标是有一天以出版她的作品为职业.

作者: ç. M. 鲁宾
