導演 Saambhavi Subramani 的 The Full Stop 剖析全球女性月經衛生管理的挑戰


以上 50% 世界人口的月經. 然而,月經和環保女性衛生用品的話題往往沒有得到解決, 使許多對世界各地女性普遍且重要的問題沒有平台. The subject is faced head on in 句號, 一部探討健康問題的短片, 教育, 訪問, 貧窮, 月經對環境的影響. Paired with a visually vibrant style of handmade props and animations, 句號 leaves no stone unturned.

Written and directed by Saambhavi Subramani, 句號 was curated for the Planet Classroom Network by LXL Ideas based in India. The film gives its audience a deep dive into menstruation and the many challenges surrounding access to quality products that women who live in poverty have to face. In addition, Subramani focuses on eradicating the stigma around this subject. Most of the points covered by Subramani in the film were my first exposure to learning about the breadth and severity of the situation, and I hope as many people as possible get the opportunity to view and share this film.

句號 goes above and beyond in outlining the issues that are extremely prevalent and important to women all around the world, fully detailing topics that are hardly ever discussed. 此外, this film is accompanied by unique and well-crafted visuals that keep the viewer engaged as well as charmed, bringing more quality to a film that already has so much going for it. I would recommend this film to anyone.

我給這部電影 4 出 5 five stars.

Ethan Thomas 是佛羅里達州立大學的現任學生, 預計五月畢業 2023. 他主修創意寫作和信息技術,並正在從事電影製作事業.

作者: ç. M. 魯賓
