

Director Yuntong Man creates a moving and unique film in 馬拉喀什的花 that focuses on Nadia, 摩洛哥指甲花藝術家尋求改善她的藝術並照顧她的兩個孩子. 納迪亞被描繪成一個積極的人,總是把孩子放在第一位. 身為單親媽媽, 她談到自己是家裡唯一的供養者, as well as the significance of her art.

馬拉喀什的花 is distinctive in the subject matter being henna and the story following someone that is undeniably easy to root for.

An emotive and inspiring account of creativity best suited for all audiences. 我會給這部電影 5 出 5 星星。

Rhea Mursalin 剛從加州大學畢業, 她在聖地亞哥獲得了傳播學學士學位.

作者: ç. M. 魯賓
