平和のこだま: ガザ紛争のさなかの解決を求める


平和のこだま: A Journey Through the Arab-Israeli Conflict is an impactful and emotional film by Hunter Harrell that traverses the history of the Middle East through quotes. The sheer number of calls for peace, and those calling for it, paints a vivid picture of how long this conflict has persisted.

I was deeply affected after watching this short film. Given the topic’s relevance and my own interest, I was captivated throughout. I have learned more about the issue recently and felt the film perfectly captured the complexities while remaining informative. I hadn’t realized how far back this conflict stretches or that individuals like Albert Einstein and António Guterres made public statements calling for peace. Most quotes were well said and resonant. The overarching message is crucial, and the closing note, “Peace is not a dream. Peace is a choice,” gave me goosebumps. The final news footage of a young girl recounting an attack near her family that left her physically injured was moving and left me haunted.

The narrative was clear and compelling, and I was struck by how many influential figures have been calling for peace. The closing text and news clip provided a powerful conclusion. 私はこの映画をあげます 5 の中から 5 出演者.

エミリー・ブルックスはモレーンパーク工科大学を卒業したばかりです, 彼女はグラフィック コミュニケーションの AAS を取得しました。, Web開発とデザインだけでなく, そしてファイ・シータ・カッパ名誉協会の会員として優秀な成績で卒業しました。.

著者: C言語. M. ルービン
